Hello there!
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm AP -- a twentysomething, someday nurse who truly adores her cats. Now you're probably asking yourself, "why would I want to read the blog of a crazy cat lady?" You are absolutely justified in thinking that; I'm thinking the exact same thing. I am an average gal with an average life. I would even go as far as describing myself as boring. I don't know why anyone would want to read my blog. However, I enjoy controversial, popular (and not-so-popular) topics and I enjoy seeing others' perspecives on those topics. This blog serves as a way for me to throw my thoughts and feelings out into the world of the internet where it can be shared, ridiculed, and maybe even enjoyed by others. I almost named it 'Diary of a Cat Mom' but decided it was a little too Bridget Jones' Diary for me.
My life contains a lot of stress right now (both positive and negative) and I figured I could use this blog to try and save my poor Facebook friends from a newsfeed full of my thoughts and opinions. After all, I'm sure a good portion of those Facebook friends had to unfollow me once they realized they were going to be bombarded with cat pictures every single day. Hopefully, eventually, this blog could help connect me with other internet folks who can relate to woes and whoas of trying to be an independent young adult.
Anyway, I think that's enough rambling for now. I need to stop typing and start trying to figure out how to organize and personalize this here website. Right now it looks like a cooking blog so I need to work on that (especially because the first photo you see is of my cat #notracist). If you're reading this, thanks for doing that! I hope you have a lovely evening and I will be sure to update you all on my uneventful life soon enough.
Later, tater.
-- AP
